Oscillatomium at the Atomium in Brussels as part of the White Nights festival
We hosted a night of radio art in the Ilya Prigogine sphere. Prigogine was awarded his 1977 Nobel prize for chemistry for his explanation of oscillation in chemical reactions

The phenomenon of oscillation was our theme for a night of radio broadcasting live from the Atomium in Brussels at the Nuit Blanche festival. Oscillatomium showcased electronic music from the memorable and influential Expo ’58 in Brussels and live performances by exponents of today’s experimental electronic music scene. Original works for radio were offered by an intriguing array of international radio artists
The belly of the beast

We set up a temporary radio studio and performance space. Our live broadcast in London, Lisbon, New York and Brussels featured commissioned radio works from Ian Helliwell, Wendy Van Wynsberghe, Johnny Head-in-Air, Élise Meriau and Ricardo Reis

Knut tests the PA, Dinah Bird performs

Our other guests: Jacques Foschia, Jean-Philippe Renoult, Élise Meriau, and martiensgohome. As the night wore on the wind blew stronger, and the Atomium rocked..!