Our tour with Haco came to an end in London with a concert at Cafe Oto (click on the left arrow to access more photos by Fabio Lugaro) and a Clear Spot on Resonance FM which is archived below. All recordings from the tour will soon be looked at for a potential future release.
Clear Spot – 12th March 2015 (Haco) by Resonance Fm on Mixcloud
In between these performances we gave talks at the Radio Now symposium hosted by Ed Baxter at the London College of Communication, meeting new and old friends from the world of radio art.

The Mobile Radio Band arrived in Rotterdam just in time to perform at the excellent Vrooom concert series organised by our pal Lukas Simonis.

Soundcheck at ‘Het Klooster’, a former monastery chapel

(photo: Danielle Lemaire)
At Extrapool in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, we opened the concert with our Tonic Train duo and Haco closed it with songs from her new Album ‘Secret Garden‘ ending with an extended version of her classic track ‘Shower Alone‘. You can read a review of the evening here (in Dutch).

One of the berths we spent the night in at the Extrapool artist flat was covered with QSL cards of fake CB radio operators which in reality depict Holland’s rich pirate radio history

Lovely concert poster created in Extrapool’s famous print workshop
Our tour with Haco had a brief stop in Cologne where we performed at the Opekta Ateliers, an artist run studio space and residency in the up and coming district Nippes.

Playing underneath flying sculptures (photo: Georg Dietzler)
Tonic Train is the name of our longstanding music duo, and in the beginning of March we started a tour with our friend and collaborator Haco in Munich’s signalraum.

Sarah, Haco & Knut (photo: Horst Konietzny)
To fill an evening’s programme we decided to play three sets: a Tonic Train duo, a Haco solo and as our trio called Mobile Radio Band. The day after the performance we spent recording in the former brewery cellar as a trio with a view to a possible CD release.

Mobile Radio Band in concert

During the recording session (photo: Haco)