Participants of the Social Dreaming Climate Change
Sixteen artists, activists, scientists and researchers from the Climate Psychology Alliance were brought together by Cape Farewell to be led in a research method called the Social Dreaming Matrix. After contemplating powerful climate-based artworks they undertook a shared exploration of dreams, aiming to illuminate the cultural unconscious of climate change.
One Thought Fills Immensity is the resulting audio work by Sarah and exposes some of the resulting subliminal themes relevant to us in the era of climate change. It was a joint commission by Cape Farewell and Kunstradio, produced for broadcast on ORF Kunstradio and the Radia network, transmitted on 30 radio stations around the world.
Eight different versions of the work were produced for specific radio stations, each featuring a remix of one section (and reordering of the segments) in a sequence of broadcasts across the world – until the final version where the gradual remix is finally complete (and the segments revert back to the original order).