The ‘Pregnant Oyster’ building (House of World Cultures) is the home of Transmediale and the radio studio of our Berlin partners Backyardradio who hosted Theme Time Radio for the duration of the festival. Nice to see the local constabulary taking an interest…
Theme Time Radio studio. (Sept-Nov 2009 the project Herbstradio is broadcasting from here)
The beating heart of multifarious Berlin radio projects – Diana McCarty and Pit Schultz. Standing, Pedro Lopes joined Theme Time Radio from our Portuguese radio partners: Radio Zero

At the controls: Pedro Lopes, Sarah and Marold Langer-Philippsen
One of the many radio round table debates
Sarah’s instruments in a telephone booth

the institute for transacoustic research (iftaf) come along to help us pop a few balloons

Congratulatons from us radio people to the Transmediale prizewinners Matsuko Yokokoji, Richard Wright (not pictured), and Graham Harwood for their amazing Tantalum Memorial project
Knut’s eternal feedback sound installation running from another telephone booth