Conecrt at Blinzelbar

A concert in Altona at one of Hamburg’s kooky venues, run by Heiner Metzger

Blinzelbar is in a disused shopping centre – waiting to become IKEA. Hopefully not as it currently houses more than a hundred artists. You can follow their protests here

Not too easy to create an atmosphere at the concert on a lazy Sunday afternoon…
We needed a place to stay on our journey northwards, luckily the inergalactic superstar Felix Kubin came to our rescue. We stayed in his studio in an artist’s complex, surrounded by old electronics we felt right at home. What he didn’t tell us was that there would be a non-stop 48 hour summer party aimed directly at our window…..

We see what’s going on at the local radio station FSK, and are invited to play live in the studio and be interviewed by Heiner Metzger on his show about improvised music

If you can’t beat them, join them! We played at the artist’s summer party, in a very long narrow space between two high buildings. It was fun to have give our electronics a strong blast, the only thing to be done. We were highly amused when the sound-reactive lights started playing one of our instruments