We were invited by Tetsuo Kogawa to do another concert live over the internet to his students in Tokyo. Luckily we were in Hagen with a stable internet connection, so were happy to oblige.

Tetsuo Kogawa and students of TKU in Japan listening to our live concert from Hagen at ten in the morning our time. Images from video link
After a long time planning by Mikkel Myer, our hosts Aux and Lab managed to secure a circuit bending workshop. The participants were extremely keen, the organization was superb, a workshop to end all workshops!

Bending toys and video mixer (don’t try the mixer at home, before some proper research on the net…)

A few of the extra components so lovingly provided

Bend on the radio take one. Everyone was interviewed by a journalist from the cultural channel of Danish state radio

Bend on the radio take two. Accompanied by our advocates from the workshop, Sarah and Knut are invited to play as Tonic Train live on the Saturday morning show of the most popular channel in Copenhagen. Squashed between Tina Turner and Earth Wind and Fire we manage 28 seconds of improvised bleeping noise to one million people, before the DJ intervenes….

The joy of so many toys

Equipment organizer and one of the resident experts Michael, hard at work on one of his many instruments

Mikkel’s drum baby

The second rehearsal of the Copenhagen Electronic Orchestra. Our workshop was designed to lead up to a performance on the last evening, with each person playing an instrument they built during the previous few days. Knut instructed the group in improvisation and conduction techniques. They have already been offered a second gig at a festival in Sweden in September 2007, giving them a nice incentive to keep rehearsing and building instruments
We were invited to oknopublic 03 to present our Mobile Radio project, to play a concert and to take part in a workshop. Participants were drawn from various types of networking projects across Europe.

The roof of okno with view of the Atomium was the site of a presentation about the local open wireless network

Sarah’s instruments for our streamed Tonic Train performance

While in Brussels we caught up with Maarten and his new project called Rotor in their self-built office half way up a spare wall… Sarah worked with Maarten a few years ago at the Jonctions/Verbindingen 8 festival when he had an amazing scrap-for-art recycling project called Bricolage Sans Frontier. Success had meant that storage became a major issue so he has begun a different enterprise where he acts as a go-between for big business with useful waste (such as car parts) and small producers who can transform the unwanted material. The office windows are made from sticky tape…

Festival coordinator Annemie and archivist/webstreamer Arjen at the end of oknopublic03

We manage to catch a performance of Brocante Sonore before we leave, complete with shoe-shine
We went to take part in some events at the Tate Modern. Sarah had a concert with Xentos ‘Fray’ Bentos and we both had radio live shows which broadcast from the museum on Resonance 104.4FM. Sarah’s radio show was part of her commission from the Tate to make a radio art series. The live show which she did with Julia Lee Barclay and Apocryphal Theatre was open to the public and took the form of a language game, with participation invited from the audience.

‘The Spiral’ record deck and vinyl cutter installation set up in the Tate by Mathieu Briand was the setting for some mayhem…..

Xentos ‘Fray’ Bentos and Sarah Washington amuse themselves and the audience in the Turbine Hall. Photograph Simon Lucas

The audience have to earn their place at our performance….

But they are so hard to get rid of when we are finished

Knut hosts a series of radio discussions called Shut Your Eyes to Art. The guests are Robin McGinley, Xper.Xr and Bob & Roberta Smith

The events at the Tate were part of The Long Weekend and we were delighted to catch up with many of our friends there. Left – AVVA in performance, Billy Roisz and Toshimaru Nakamura. Right – luckily for us Ed Baxter had booked John Giorno for a radio slot who gave an inspiring performance

Oscillatorial Binnage gave a sparkling performance of Dan Wilson’s Corrosion Suite

Another edition of Shut Your Eyes to Art with Kersten Glandien, Salome Voegelin and Sebastian Craig submitting to the blindfolds. The quality of the discussion was very different to a sighted one, softer somehow